Tuesday, June 23, 2009


A month or so ago, I had an adorable idea! I thought that it would be cute to make a post on the solstice or equinox of each season with a list of things that I associate with that season that make it adorable. Sunday was the summer solstice, but since I was busy with birthday activities on the solstice and I was basically in a coma all day today, this is a little late. But still cute!

So, here goes! Summer is adorable because of tan lines, Beacon's Beach, beach hair, road trips, outdoor naps, outdoor yoga, outdoor concerts, fireflies, birthdays, birthday cake, watermelons, strawberries, nectarines, sundresses, the Del Mar Fair, camping, frolicking, brunches, picnics, fireworks, barbecues, sitting on porches, lemonade, sunglasses, tree-climbing, sandals, smoothies, shorts, bonfires, hiking, baseball games, In-N-Out, ice cream trucks, s'mores, spontaneous adventures, movie marathons, sunshine, backyards, Italian sodas, no homework, sleepovers, fruit stands, and sleeping in.

Love, Jillian

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