Friday, September 25, 2009

Velocity Girl

It's been so long since I've posted anything on here! Good thing Jillian has been blogging enough for the both of us. The thing about posting anything on here is that I have 1000 ideas but I can never decide which to finish first. Because of that there are like 60 drafts. Oh well. Anyway, since I'm sitting at the cafe waiting for Maggie and Jillian to get here so BURGER FRIDAY can begin, I think it's a good time to update.

Lately I've been listening to a lot of Velocity Girl and I love them. They're so incredibly 90s, but so good! I think writing a whole blog post about them is a little difficult though because all I wanna do is post random lyrics and tell you all about cute I think Sarah Shannon is. Because, well, she really is. Plus, she had that short but not too short hair that I kept wanting but could never actually pull off.

I used to listen to Velocity Girl and dance around my room. "Drug Girls" is the best song to do that to because of I could yell that part where she sings "fun is never easy its an occupation!" Then I'd pretend to clean my room but would instead only make my bed and throw all my clothes in the laundry room. "Hey You, Get Off My Moon!" was the song I could sulk to when I was done pretending to clean. My life was hard!

Now, when I listen to "I Can't Stop Smiling" it makes me really happy, or at least it makes me wish I were super happy. I also really like "Pretty Sister" and "Copacetic" and of course "Crazy Town" I enjoy all the really ridiculous videos that come with some Velocity Girl songs, and it's totally worth it to search for them. If only so you can see how horrible/great they are.

Unfortunately, while trading music with Maggie, I realized that I no longer have their album Gilded Stars and Zealous Hearts which makes me really sad. It makes me wish that it would somehow magically re-appear on my computer. Anyway, Burger Friday is almost over now but I'm wearing a really adorable dress that's also really soft, and I'm in a good mood so I'm gonna keep listening to Velocity Girl.

If you've never heard any Velocity Girl, you should probably start now. And if you have that last album you should probably let me know!

Love, María

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