Now I like Park Ave. because the songs almost make me giggle. I am positive that they are pretty horrible and probably not very cute. Also, this is crazy, but at the back of my mind, I have this weird fear that my life will turn out like the song "She Teaches Art?" or just a combination of a bunch of Park Ave. songs. Scary. Anyway, the cute part of all this, isn't so much Park Ave. as it's just all the silly memories I have about listening to them. Like how at 14 I was sure that being 20 would end up being incredibly heartbreaking, but that just meant that I had to paint my room a horrible turquoise color and wear really adorable seafoam flats that looked like they were made of foam. They were precious though. Also, as much as I love writing posts about really adorable things like gumdrops and pink ponies, I think sometimes I want to write sillier posts. Plus, even if they're not cute, that's fine, it's not like I'm writing a post about Commander Venus.
Love, María
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