I was absolutely, completely, ridiculously obsessed with kittens last spring semester--I'm pretty sure that like every other sentence that came out of my mouth was somehow about kittens, and usually involved me asking whoever I was talking to if they'd buy me a kitten or what kind of kitten I should get. I have since learned to control that impulse, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about kittens ALL THE TIME.

I've come to the conclusion that having a kitten would make my life basically perfect. It would even make all of the reading I have to do less icky, and I would be way more okay with spending tons of time in my room thesising if there was a kitten there, too. Okay, I am actually okay with the reading because it is Dante and I have been nerdily longing to take the Dante class FOREVER and I really like my thesis, but STILL. Kittens are awesome. The end.
Love, Jillian
P.S. Check out this terrifying-but-somehow-cute video about kittens.
come play with sophie and dud!