Belanova is a Mexican electropop group. I first started listening to them after I saw them on TV all the time. I remember one of their videos would play all the time when we were in SLP visiting my grandparents one year. At home, we only have cable so that we can get like 1000 channels in Spanish. This is mostly because without these channels we wouldn't get to watch Mexican soccer, and I don't know what would happen then. Because everyone in our house knows that there is no talking if the soccer game is on, it's sick. Anyway, because we get 1000 channels in Spanish and a lot of these are music channels, I sometimes watched them when I was getting ready. Belanova was on ALL THE TIME. So, it was pretty inevitable that I just continued to listen to them.

The video for "Baila Mi Corazón" is probably the best video they've ever done. It is just completely precious. I like it better than the video for "Por Ti" simply because look at all those pretty colors! Denisse is so cute! And everything looks like it's made out of paper, kewl. I just wish I was precious enough to wear those teeny tiny cutesy outfits. I just want to have a cute little band!

Fantasía Pop is so good because I can listen to it all the time and never get sick of it. It was released in 2007, and ever since then, it's been on my computer and I play it when I feel like listening to really good pop songs. The first song I ever heard by them isn't on this album, it's called "Por Ti" and I could dance to that song all the time. I have been listening to it all day and I am not sick of it. The girls next door probably are though.
My favorite song on Fantasía Pop is definitely "Vestida De Azul" it is just so perfect. Some people think it sounds like a Julieta Venegas song. Maybe, maybe not. Denisse's voice is just so cute and almost squeaky sometimes. It makes me happy. "Dulce Fantasía" is also really good, when she sings "sabes que me duele no encontrarte/sabes que es dificil que ya no estás" my heart kinda breaks. "Rockstar" is so electropoppy and has clapping and silliness. "Bye Bye" is what I listen to sometimes when I'm putting clothes away. It is all "my life is so hard!" but also really dancey. Also, all the lyrics in "Cada Que..." are perfect pop song lyrics like "y cada que pienso en ti/se enciende mi corazón/y nada es más triste que hoy/hablar de ti" how sad! I even like "Toma Mi Mano" which isn't upbeat but is still really good.
The video for "Baila Mi Corazón" is probably the best video they've ever done. It is just completely precious. I like it better than the video for "Por Ti" simply because look at all those pretty colors! Denisse is so cute! And everything looks like it's made out of paper, kewl. I just wish I was precious enough to wear those teeny tiny cutesy outfits. I just want to have a cute little band!
Now I'm sure that A LOT of people really hate Belanova. Sometimes people think they are annoying, or just not very good, well, I just don't agree. They are so precious that I can't not love them. They are silly and poppy and heartachey and cute. Okay, maybe a tad bit annoying, but that's not totally a bad thing. So if you don't like them, sucks for you. And if you just want to listen to some precious Spanish pop songs, go listen to them now!
Love, María
PS: I knew this blogpost was gonna be too long. Sorry, guys!
wow theyre great
ReplyDeleteI love BELANOVA they are so cool and she always dresses up so awesome!!:]