Of course, when Julia and I went on a roommate date to New York that same school year (during free NJ Transit week!), we had to go to UNIQLO. We also went on a carriage ride in Central Park, and then went to this super-tiny, super-delicious, super-romantic restaurant in the Village after shopping, and we had wine and Julia bought me dinner and it was the perfect date except that neither one of us is a man. We also went to Longwood Gardens in December when they have all the Christmas lights with our other roommate, Kate, and that was also the perfect date except that none of us is a man. Then, Julia went abroad FOR A WHOLE YEAR and I have been pining away ever since and waiting for her to come back so that we can have more roommate dates.
But! That is neither here nor there, and the point is that I wanted to buy like a million things at UNIQLO, but I wouldn't have been able to carry all of the bags. And since there is only that one store in the U.S., I haven't been back yet, and that makes me sad. If any of you ("you" meaning all five people who read this blog) are in New York City, you should go! They have men's clothing, too!
Love, Jillian
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