So instead, I bring you this post about glasses. Oliver Peoples is an eyewear brand that started in the 80s became popular in the 90s and they've been using Zooey Deschanel in their advertisements for the 2009 season. They must be cute, right? RIGHT!
I've been wearing glasses since I was six. I still have all the pairs of glasses I've ever owned. Including the many I have broken. My Oliver Peoples pair is one of those. I had adorable Oliver People's glasses, they were perfect, I wanted to clone them so I could have 300 pairs without having to pay for them. Unfortunately, that's not really possible and I am the clumsiest person ever. And eventually I had to say goodbye to them and I was very sad. Luckily, Oliver Peoples cheered me right up with this cute video:
And now I just want another pair plus Zooey's hair and all the clothes she wears. So I've decided that this year I'm buying myself a pair as a Christmas present to myself. Even if my mother's reaction will once again be what it was with my first pair: "Oh, Oliver Peoples? Like the guy from American Psycho?" I guess even Patrick Bateman likes cute things.
Love, María
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